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101 Ranch - Ponca City OK Real Haunted Place

  • 101 S. Ranch Dr.
  • Ponca City, OK
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This ranch was once a cowboy hangout in the early 1900s and stories say that ghosts reside here from that time period. Witnesses have reported hearing melancholy cowboy meoldies and phantom voices around the site.
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  • Creepypasta

    It was me and my dad and my 13 year old sister we all 3 went out there and my dad decided to provoke the ghosts and we went into a old Cafe and when iwent out i got hit by a stick i even have a mark on my right ankle idk if it was from the stick thrown at me or a ghost decided that it was okay to hurt me but besides all of that it was fun experience i would like to go there at night i never experienced a haunted Ghost ranch .

    Posted 11/25/24

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  • strange seeings

    I NEVER WILL GO BACK The opening hours are from 9am to 4pm so ofc i went around 9 oclock and me and my buddy stayed all day and we heard a lady screaming so we ran to go check it out and there was nobody there so we thought it was weird so we go with our tour guide and the tour guides face goes from a smile to a horrified look and he whispers something in a diffrent launguage and runs off leaving us there so we ofc ran back to the car and left..

    Posted 9/14/23

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  • Scary

    We went there at around 9 pm and at about 10:30 is when things started getting weird my mom said there were multiple people standing out there and at 12:30 a white figure was waving at us to come out to the silos we ran to the cars and left

    Posted 9/11/22

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  • Not what this says will happen

    I went here last night, and heard no cowboy melodies, how ever, picked up on a evp reader a voice saying " kill me " when we were in the basement. Also, I was chased off the property with my fiance in hand towards the road by something. I was the only one that heard it running at me and saw it running at me. My fiance and 3 friends did not see it or hear it. I do plan on going back asap

    Posted 4/12/21

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 1,844
Last edit to this listing: 4/25/2017 (2892 days ago)

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