Blanchard Cemetery - Real Haunts in Blanchard OK

- Blanchard Cemetery
- Blanchard, OK
- Average Review
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- Historic Sooner Theater12.5 miles away
- S and J Marketplace12.6 miles away
- Kendall's Restaurant14.5 miles away
- Langston's Western Wear21.0 miles away
- The County Line - Gabriella's Italian Grill27.6 miles away
- Fort Reno35.1 miles away
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My boyfriend and son who was 15 years old went there about a week before Halloween bored looking for something fun and spooky to go do . as soon as we pulled up on it I thought there were a bunch of people hanging out and partying and said out loud dammit i dont wanna get out the weirdos out here ( assuming that they were halloween enthusiasts ) . It was like there were a lot of tiki torches or something i thought but we got closer and puled down into it it was simply a few lights on a few headstones like landscaping accent lighting ....I a gonna try to keep this short but its hard bc of the totality of what happened ...Ok first I wanna say this ...ghosts do not look like transparent figures that float around , they look like real people . Not one time during this did any of us think any of these people were ghosts . first there was nobody in sight no cars no people and wasabout 11:30 ish at night . first my son noticed a man who had on khaki pants and was walking very fast and he seemed annoyed and was muttering something to him self and he seemed to just walk about 30 yards in front of us and off into the darkness and the weird thing is when i look back at this i dont remember noticing where he went and did not see him again . we walked farther off into the older portion of the cemetary and suddenly in the distance a light seemed to just come on all the sudden catching our attention and what looked like a person in a skin colored body suit began to move in the most un natural movements like a contortionist , iit was absolutely terrifying . so we ran back towards where we parked and I thought I heard whooshing in the trees as if something was chasing us . i could literally hear it . as we got back closer to where the car was there was a old car kinda like a an oldsmobile from the 70s with a bunch of shoes on top of the hood and the top of the car and spilled out onto the ground , with a tow truck parked behind it running but nobody was around and we should of heard someone pull into the cemetary if that had happened .... as i ran to car i remember stepping over shoes trying to avoid them so wouldnt trip n fall as we got into car and began to reverse out of there at least a dozen teenagers came out from nowhere walking towards that car and the weird part again was the not being able to say that i remember what exactly happened to them as they walked by . where did they go what did they do as they got to the car . i have no idea cannot put any memory as to that . and we drove out of there and said NOTHING TO EACH OTHER on way home about any of it here is the scary part that really puts this story on a differentshelf than any other ghost story ive ever heard or encountered EVER!.... MY SON ASKED ME TO VIDEO W MY CELL PHONE BUT AT NIGHT TIME THE VIDEO TAKEN IS ALWAYS JUST BLACK SCREEN SO IT WASNT POSSIBLE DUE TO NOT ENOUGH LIGHT OUT THERE TO SEE ANYTHING . SO WE DECIDED TO LEAVE IT ON AND JUST GO WITH THE AUDIO ONLY . WHEN WE LISTENED TO IT THE NEXT DAY IN THE CAR MY AMPLIFIER AND SPEAKERS WERE ABLE TO SHOW US SOMETHING WE DID NOT EXPECT. WE EXPECTED TO HEAR OUR CONVERSATION THAT WAS CONSTANT DURING THE FIRST PART OF THIS INSTEAD YOU HEAR ME N BOYFRIEND SAYING FEW WORDS TO EACH OTHER AND YOU CAN HEAR THE SOUND OF BEING OUTSIDE LIKE WIND , CRICKETS AND SUDDENLY ALL THAT GOES AWAY , SOUNDS LIKE IT GOES INTO SLOW MOTION SUDDENLY AND ALL SOUNDS THAT U HEAR WHEN RECORDING OUTSIDE ARE GONE AND YOU CAN HEAR THE MOST DEMONIC GROWL U CAN IMAGINE THIS GOES ON UNTIL THE END OF THE RECORDING AND SUDDENLY 2OR 3 SECONDS BEFORE THE VIDEO IS OVER ALL THE SOUNDS US TALKING , WIND , AND CRICKETS COME BACK IN . DURING THE VIDEO THERE ARE THESE FLOATING LIGHTS THAT SEEM TO FLOAT ACROOSS THE SCREEN AND THEN DRIFT OFF IN A WAY THAT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT CONSISTENT W WHAT I WAS DOING W PHONE . BC IT WASNT ABLE TO DO VIDEO AND AUDIO ONLY I JUST HAD IN HAND CARRYING DOWN BY MY SIDE AS IF I WAS HOLDING MY PHONE AND PHONE WAS OFF BUT THE LIGHTS ARE THE OPPOSIITE OF THAT ............IF YOU WANT TO SEE VIDEO FOR YOURSELF I WILL SEND IT TO YOU . easiest way will be thru facebook messenger . this was couple years ago and only copy of that isonmy messengar from sending to friends ...oh almost forgot when listening to it on the phone it was recorded on you could hear anything at all , it required an external speaker or like my car system to be able to hear that then i downloaded free trial of an app for pc called wave pad and only amplified the sound and turned up the volume only and when i did that there was a voice who says a name or something hard to tell cuz it sounds like a fast whisper kinda but you cannot deny its a voice and it says something . ( i think it sounds like a name ).....kara to be exact , but that is debateable as to what is said . this is not a joke or a prank . i have so much to do w my time besides doing this right now and idk why i all the sudden feel compelled to even do this . I DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO SUPERSTITIONS OR BULLSHIT OR WILL LEND IT ANY POWER OR CONTROL OVER ME AND MY LIFE SO WHEN I TELL YOU THAT AFTER A TIME OF LISTENING TO IT MANY MANY TIMES I BECAME VERY VERY VERY CONCERNED ABOUT PLAYING THAT INSIDE MY HOME . AND I STOPPED IMEDIATELY . NOTHING EVER BAD HAPPENED THAT I COULD ASSOCIATE W POSSIBLY COMING FROM THAT BUT I THINK THAT PLAYING THAT IN YOUR HOME IS TO RISKY ...JOHN MOSELEY IS MY NAME FIND ON FACE BOOK IF YOU WANT TO HEAR IT . I AM HOLDING A BOOK IN MY PROFILE PIC PRETENDING TO READ IT .. ANYONE HAS ANYTHING TO HELP ME UNDERSTAND HOW THAT COULD BE SOMETHING OTHER THAN WHAT IT SEEMS LIKE TO BE FEEL FREE TO LET ME KNOW .THANK YOU
Posted 7/8/207 out of 8 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 4/25/2017 (2871 days ago)