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Dead Women Crossing - Weatherford OK Real Haunted Place

  • N. 2440 Rd.
  • Weatherford, OK
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Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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Located on Deer Creek, Dead Women Crossing is a small community that has quite the haunting story attached to it. It involves a woman named Katie DeWitt James who was a school teacher and an alleged prostitute, Fannie Norton. Katie filed for divorce from her husband in 1905 and took her baby on the train to go live with her cousin. She was never heard from again. It had then been discovered that Katie spent the night with William Moore at his home and had been spotted leaving in a buggy wth his sister-in-law, Fannie Norton. The odd thing about this was that the baby's clothing appeared to be bloody. Katie's body was found near Deer Creek, her head severed. The murder details are still unclear to this very day and Fannie had denied murdering Katie, but ended up committing suicide by poisioning herself the day she was questioned. In this area, reports of a blue formless light have been spotted, along with the sounds of a ghostly woman crying out for her baby.
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  • A sad haunting

    Our group visited the location a couple of times, and each time some kind of activity happened. The first time I heard a woman asked me "What are you doing", it did not occur to me at first no one was around me. The second time was a little confusing, a EVP of a man gave the demand "I will get you", the second was the man saying "leave now". I started my long research to find out fact's, and not a ghost story. Fanny, Katie, and their husband's actually knew each other (which explains why she left the train with her, and stayed the night). After the murder Fanny suddenly had the money to put her kid's in a good school, she died by poison she had on her at the police station. Katie's father hired a investigator to find the truth about where his daughter was. A search was done on the location where it was thought the murder happened with no trace of Katie, days later the body of Katie was found in the location. If it was done to rob Katie, the fact she had her wedding ring on is hard to understand. It was always believed Katie's husband convinced Fanny to kill her for him, so he could take over her fortune (which explains how she got the money for the school). Unfortunately the baby who's mother was brutally murdered trying to find a good life for her, died young from illness.

    Posted 4/24/24

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  • Not exciting

    I checked this out one night. I was out for about two hours, waiting for something paranormal to happen, but nothing. Almost got hit by a few cars speeding down from the houses on the hill by the bridge and saw a few deer, but that’s about it. While I did feel a bit creeped out, it was because i was alone in the dark and one car kept going across the bridge as if they were watching me. If anyone else goes out themselves, take a friend and don’t stand/walk on the bridge without bright or reflective clothes just in case.

    Posted 5/5/23

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Last edit to this listing: 4/26/2017 (2870 days ago)

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