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Elk City Ramada - Elk City OK Real Haunt

  • 102 B J Hughes Access Rd.
  • Elk City, OK
  • (580) 225-8140
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Room 110 is said to be haunted at this hotel. Here is where guests have reported seeing a man's apparition and have witnessed poltergeist pranks.
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  • Haunted Elk City Ramada Inn room 110

    2007, my then new husband had been assigned to go do a jail inspection there and invited me to come along on the trip. We checked in and was given room 110. Neither of us had even heard of the place prior and went along our business of going out to eat and planning for the following day. I would venture out around town and shop while he worked and we would meet up for lunch. Returning to the room, we got ready for bed. I had gotten into my normal side of the bed but the alarm clock was on that side. My husband rolled toward me, lifted up and began reaching over me to set his alarm for the next morning. As he did, my eyes instinctively followed his reach. As his hand neared the alarm clock, at roughly 3 inches away….the clock suddenly shot back away from his reach, slamming loudly against the back wall!!!! The force was such that it was as if the cord ran into the next room and someone had jerked the cord with all their might! I was stunned, brain in hyper mode trying to process if I had actually seen this, if this was real, questioning my sanity when my husband, still hovering above me, turned his face to mine.. .eyes wide as saucers, welling with tears, asks “Did that just happen?” Oct 5 yrs later, my now high school ahead stepson asked if I knew of any spooky places nearby that he and his friends could go see during Halloween so I sat down to do a web search of spooky and haunted places. To my utter shock, the very 1st site that popped up was none other that Elk City Ramada, room 110!!!!!!

    Posted 9/20/24

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Contact Phone #: (580) 225-8140

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Visitors to this page: 1,640
Clicks to Website: 1
Last edit to this listing: 4/25/2017 (2871 days ago)

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