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Belvidere Mansion - Real Claremore Haunt

  • 121 N. Chickasaw Ave.
  • Claremore, OK
  • (918) 342-1127
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This gothic-style mansion dates back to the early 1900s and was built by John M. Bayless. Before he could complete the residence, Bayless died from complications after from appendicitis surgery and his wife and children ended up finishing the mansion and lived there until 1919. The home was restored in 1991 by the Rogers County Historical Society, but the Bayless family is said to still linger the home in spirit. Visitors have reported unexplained sounds, hazy figures, toilets that flush on their own, touches by unseen hands and cold and hot spots.
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  • very weird encounter

    In the early 90's a friend and I had a very weird encounter, second floor, first room to the right of the stairs. At that time they were starting the remodel of the place everything was roped off except that room. Near Christmas they were having a small craft sale on the first floor. We decided to go upstairs and see what we could see. I kinda wish we hadn't gone up there. To this day I think back on it and still freaks me out. Never really believed in ghosts but don't understand what happened. The room was fixed like a child's bedroom, twin bed against left wall, little dresser on right wall, walked to the back wall and looked out the window down to the street, seen my truck lol. Turned to go back. About at the head of the bed, an ice cold presence moved up behind me, kinda glanced over my shoulder, but I knew my friend and I were the only ones in the room, well the cold thing passed right thru my body, I felt it go in and come back out my front. Holy crap! I felt like I was freezing. When this happened, to my perception the room was now at a 45 degree slant. In my mind I was trying to figure out how to get out of this room really fast. My friend was standing at the foot of the bed, close to the door with her back to me. So I had to step out and go around her to get to the door. I really thought as I stepped out I would fall over or slide down the slant LOL. I told my self to do it and run fast. I got out the door, turned to look back at my friend from the hallway. I felt fine then, no slanting or freezing cold. My friend still in the room, foot of the bed, glanced back over her shoulder, turns and looks back at me, her eyes were as big as plates. She rushes out of the room, standing next to me looking back into the room. She starts to freak out, says someone was tugging on the back of her shirt, she thought it was me behind her, but when she looked back no one was there. She was shaking it scared her so bad. I wasn't going to tell her my deal, figured she'd call me a nut job. I Said something happened to me too. But lets get out of here tell this in the truck. So needless to say we freaked out in my truck. I promise you I'm not making this up! I've wanted to go back and see it with the remodeling done but I'm scared to.

    Posted 10/16/17

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Last edit to this listing: 4/25/2017 (2891 days ago)

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