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Timber Ridge Cemetery - Real Haunted Place

  • Timber Ridge Cemetery
  • Catoosa, OK
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This cemetery was nicknamed "Haunted Hollow" and legend says a Native American was killed after being hit by a car on his bicycle in 1989, and that his body is buried here. Visitors to the cemetery have reported seeing his spirit, along with his bicycle on the roadside. Some have claimed that they felt like they hit something, but when they got out of the car to check, found only a bloody handprint on their fender. Some walking past the cemetery have claimed to get a nose bleed or spot orbs above the graves. The gate to the cemetery's entrance is also known to open on its own.
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  • was scary

    Only thing that was slightly scary was all the unusual amount of deer. The way they just stood there and stared at you wasn't normal. Me and a buddy of mine stepped out of the car and even yelled at them. The deer just looked at us almost like they were human.

    Posted 10/22/24

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  • Cemetery IS NOT Haunted

    There is no truth to any of the above statements. Many of our family members have been laid to rest at Timber Ridge. We've always received the upmost courtesy, competence, and compassion since early 1900's. Honestly, it's a disgrace to all family members who've been laid to rest at Timber Ridge. As a paralegal, there's a law that protects the rights of a deceased person. One section of the article refers to "disturbing the final resting place of the deceased." Lastly, the native boy you're referring to was not hit while riding a bicycle in 1989. He was on a motorcycle and the accident took place (8) miles from Timber Ridge Cemetery.

    Posted 5/26/23

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    The story of the Indian boy has been confirmed as an "invented" story by the original author of a book on Route 66 Haunted Places in an effort to increase interest in the published book. In other words . . . to profit from book sales! The unfortunate consequences has been damage and destruction of grave markers and damage to gates and signage from people seeking "a paranormal experience". This is a private cemetery located on private property and is maintained only by donations and minimal burial fees. Because of the damages from trespassers, mainly after dark, the cemetery has to remain locked and secured at all times. And any person that enters outside of daylight hours will be considered trespassing and may be subject to arrest and prosecution.

    Posted 8/11/22

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    3 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Bad taste joke

    In many years of going there. I have seen or heard of nothing. Going there is a bad joke and a wast of time. This is privet property it is not worth the trespassing fines and being arrested. This is a cemetery where my family is buried. Have respect.

    Posted 12/7/20

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    1 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Have respest

    This is ridiculous. I have been going there for over 50 years due to family being buried there. None of the haunted stories are true. I have never seen or heard of anything. To be absent from the body is to be in the presence of God. The cemetery is not a playground. Have respest

    Posted 12/5/20

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • The Scariest Thing I've Ever Seen

    I've been there a couple of times and never been shot. I did however see a strange creature that appeared like a hog with broken legs. It terrifies me to this day. I've also seen the floating lights. To the person who left the "you will be shot" comment. You probably shouldn't shoot because it's probably kids having a little spooky season fun and you'd have way more trouble with murder charges than kids being in the cemetery for two minutes

    Posted 10/17/20

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    4 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • its not haunted

    my family owns it and the stories are not true and you will get shot if you trespass since IT IS PRIVATE PROPERTY

    Posted 10/17/20

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    3 out of 7 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,200
Last edit to this listing: 4/25/2017 (2892 days ago)

Disclaimer: Oklahoma Haunted Houses does not endorse or support trespassing to visit real haunts. Before you visit ANY local real haunt, make sure to acquire the appropriate permits and/or permissions, and be respectful of privately owned properties. Countless Haunt Hunters have been arrested, ticketed, and reprimanded by the authorities for trespassing. To avoid this, be sure to get in touch with the property owners before visiting a haunt, and respect their hours of operation, local regulations, and rules for visiting at all times. Happy haunting!
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